Friday, March 5, 2010


As I sit here it seems to me that I can be anything I want;
Anything need;
I don’t need to plead with god for answers;
For he has already given them through and through;
All of them to be true;
That is you and me to decide;
I cried last night when I thought of the wars fought over those words;
Herds of masses fighting other herds;
But in the end neither one was heard;
It is absurd to think someone is winning in this war we have waged;
Betrayed by our own;
Sold for our own peace of mind;
You say, “Mine have gone overseas and mountains and died for what you call absurd.”
And for you I say one word, “Read.”
Because if you read then you see why all these young children bleed;
And why these young men lead;
These young children to their deaths;
To their very last breaths are breathed and their very last words are muttered;
I shuddered at what those words may have been and I pledged once to spend my very last word trying to get to you some understanding;
But as I start to stand;
I ask myself, “Can I?”
“Do I have enough time; no one else has been able to give you an answer to it?”
And I lose it, like a soldier in the wind;
No matter how I try to spin it;
It always ends up, a little too little time, a little too much stuff to do, a little too much to teach, a little too much to speak about, a little too much you will doubt, a little too much for my voice to shout, just a little too much;
“But then again,” I think as I stand;
What if he starts off where I left off then his starts off where he left off;
Could it be possible to end all the suffering someday;
May someday people be at peace and as I finally stand I think proudly, “It could.”

1 comment:

  1. As one who has seen some of war and wants no one to see it again, I say, "thank you".

    Please don't get too tired; too frustrated; too disparing of making a difference.

    If we don't try then the field is left to those who believe that war is an answer; just another "extension of policy" fought by other people's sons and daughters.

    Love ya!

